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Why Lab Grown Diamonds Are Better?

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Engagement rings have a lot of significance for both the giver and the receiver. It represents your commitment to one another, as well as your affection for one another. As a result, you want to acquire a ring that is ideal for your partner. Diamonds have long been the preferred gemstone for an engagement ring. However, many people are put off by the ethical and humanitarian difficulties that come with mined diamonds. Here are six compelling reasons to select a lab-grown diamond engagement ring.

With lab-grown diamonds, you can acquire a larger or higher-quality diamond for the same price. Upgrading the carat, cut, clarity, or creating the ideal lab grown diamond engagement ring is a surprisingly low-cost venture. This is due to the fact that lab grown diamonds are up to 40% less expensive than traditional mined diamonds of the same quality. When you consider that lab-grown diamonds are identical to earth-grown diamonds in every manner but cost significantly less, you realise there is no reason to acquire a mined diamond.

The fact that lab-grown diamonds are less expensive does not imply that they are not technologically advanced. Every lab-grown diamond begins with a microscopic diamond seed.

Diamonds made in a laboratory are the same as natural diamonds in that they are pure crystallised carbon in the isometric cubic structure. Diamonds created in a laboratory and mined diamonds share the same chemical, visual, and physical qualities. They are created in a controlled setting under parameters comparable to those found in nature (pressure and temperature).

While lab made diamonds are identical to natural diamonds in every way, diamond alternatives are not. Cubic zirconia and moissanite shine beautifully and are popular, but they are not chemically or visually identical to diamonds and are therefore significantly less expensive.

Lab produced diamonds, like mined diamonds, offer a wide range of contemporary design alternatives. Lab produced diamonds are available in a variety of shapes and settings. You can choose from more traditional shapes like round, princess, pillow, or oval. If that isn't your thing, lab produced diamonds can also be available in more contemporary forms like marquise, pear, emerald, heart, Asscher, or dazzling. In terms of settings, lab grown diamonds can be put in any setting of your choice, providing you a wide selection of fashionable possibilities.

Lab-grown diamonds are becoming a popular choice among millennials. You want a diamond engagement ring with the look and feel of a diamond, but you also want it to be affordable and conflict-free. With lab produced diamonds, you can get exactly what you want while still getting something unique and in style. In fact, because lab produced diamonds are less expensive than mined diamonds, you can design a personalised engagement ring while staying within your budget.

Lab grown diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, man-made diamonds, engineered diamonds, or cultured diamonds, are created in a laboratory. Scientists can manufacture diamonds by isolating carbon and piling it onto itself because diamonds are made up of carbon atoms organised in a crystal shape.

The physical, chemical, and visual qualities of lab generated diamonds are identical to those of mined diamonds. In fact, without specific equipment that scans for crystal patterns and imperfections, even industry specialists can't detect the difference. For example, if the diamond contains nitrogen, it was most likely formed on Earth.

Lab-grown diamonds are a rapidly expanding industry trend. According to the AWDC analysis, young diamond purchasers are lured to them by pricing, transparency, and environmental concerns, with this segment of the market growing at a rate of between 15% and 20% per year. The trend is projected to continue as more jewellers begin to sell lab diamonds and more labs open their doors.

A diamond can be grown in two ways. Both begin with a "seed" (a flat slither) of another diamond. The first lab diamond was created utilising a High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) technique, in which the seed is placed in a chamber with pure graphite carbon and heated to temperatures of around 1,500 degrees Celsius while being pressed to approximately 1.5 million pounds per square inch.

Weddings can be quite wasteful, but thankfully, an increasing number of couples are opting for green wedding traditions. However, these efforts toward a more environmentally friendly celebration can begin far before the big day. Lab-grown diamonds are more environmentally friendly than natural diamonds. Consider water consumption.

According to Great Height's website, a mined diamond consumes around 126 gallons of water each carat, whereas a lab created diamond consumes only 18. This, combined with lower energy use, carbon emissions, sulphur oxide production, land damage, and waste creation, makes lab produced diamonds a simple choice for those wishing for a lower carbon footprint from their union.

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